We've no problem with you creating a link to us. And below is how to do it Please let us know what the URL the link is at with an email to linklogo@fluffbucket.com and we might even link to you (fairs fair after all) For any links address your target as http://www.fluffbucket.com/ As we're in the process of moving to full server so other links might be lost (1) Text linksThis following code will work <a href="http://www.fluffbucket.com/> (Frontpage Express & Navigator users follow the instructions detailed in tutorials on making links) (2) Graphic linksTo do this right click on one of the following images and select save picture as. Ensure you select .gif. and save it to the folder you're creating your web site in. Please do not link this image from our site as (1) it slows us down and stops people from using the site (2) we're moving and continually change site structure if you are unsure how to make links check out our tutorials or use the codes beneath (change the red to match the url of the .gif on your site) bwrslogo1 (5k) <a href="http://www.fluffbucket.com/> PLEASE NOTE - All link images are the properties of Basic Web Resource Site © 2000 and are regared as our property. They may not be altered. We reserve the right to request removal of them from your site see legal notices |